
Meaningful access: policy, management and orchestration ** Access management for knowledge communities - a policy orchestration formula ** Five years for five perspectives on TELOS ** The risks of virtual learning ** Explanation modelling and competences management ** Organising a public information space about the crimes of a totalitarian regime ** Knowledge and object phylogenetic production cascades - the TELOS case ** TELOS, a service-oriented framework to support learning and knowledge Management ** Instrumentation de la gestion des connaissances au sein d'une communeaute de pratique sur le web semantique (Knowledge management instrumentation for a community of practice on the semantic Web) ** TELOS conceptual framework. Presentation and demonstrative illustration of the conceptual architecture ** Illustrations and Simulations of TELOS Processes and Integration ** Pedagogical workflow management with functions ** TELOS architecture and function aggregation- illustrated by working prototypes ** An Ontology-based Referencing of Actors, Operations and Resources in eLearning Systems ** Évolution de l'ontologie utilisée comme référentiel sémantique dans un système de téléapprentissage (Evolution of an ontology used as semantic reference system in a tele-learning system) ** Les langages de modélisation pédagogique: un pont entre l'ingénierie pédagogique et les systèmes de diffusion de laformation en ligne (Pedagogical modeling languages: a bridge between educational engineering and online information systems) ** Modélisation et intégration de fonctions de soutien aux concepteurs de systemes de téléapprentissage dans l'environnement ADISA ** Réflexions sur les conditions personnelles de la modélisation de l’explication. Ou l’usage de l’introscope en modélisation systémique (Reflexion on the personal experience in explanation modelisation-or the use of the "introscope" in systemic modelisation) ** Modeling the delivery physiology of distributed learning systems ** Organic Aggregation of Knowledge Objects in Educational Systems ** EXPLORA2, An open educational operating system for managing learning objects repositories ** Adisa practical demonstration ** The Explora2 system ** Web-based Support for the Instructional Engineering of E-learning Systems ** Explor@ Advisory Agent : Tracing the Student's Trail ** La collaboration en télé-apprentissage ** L'explication a-t-elle encore sa place dans les communications pédagogiques informatisées? ** Vision systémique de l’explication dans la formation (A system vision about explanation in education) ** Peut-on redécouvrir le dialogue entre l'enseignant et l'apprenant dans le processus de l'instruction informatisée? (May we rediscover the dialog between teacher and learner in the processes of computer based instruction?)
TELOS - an infrastructure for educative inter-operation through the Internet ** Managing the global knowledge metabolism of an evolving community ** Shared research about knowledge sharing - the LORNET case ** Procedures modeling, adaptation, orchestration and reproduction with "functions" ** The explanatory interaction - history of a research ** MODEL BASED Engeniering OF PRODUCTION CASCADES- A system phylogenetic ** Pragmatic "layer" or knowledge physiology? ** A "4d" vision about knowledge physiology ** Cognitive communities using semantic matching: knowledge propagation and human transformation ** Adaptable models for procedure orchestration and competence matching services ** Expansion of evolving distributing systems by recursive aggregation and production cascades ** TELOS et la gestion des connaissances. (version 3 ) ** Indexation sémantique et propagation du savoir. (version 2) ** Adaptability and cooperation on WWW : between quality of service and quality of instruction ** L'écologie de l'explication
Vers une vision systémique du processus de l'explication. Récit d'une recherche sur l'intégration de la pédagogie, de l'ingénierie et de la modélisation - Thèse de doctorat
"[..]Le phénomène complexe de l'explication est observé par les prismes différents d'une multitude de disciplines. Ils engendrent des descriptions variées, formant un espace explicatif hétérogène. Le but initial de cette étude a été l'intégration systémique de ces explications éparpillées. Ma tentative de concevoir un modèle exhaustif, univoque, homogène et convergent s'est heurtée à des obstacles. L'analyse de ces difficultés a généré des considérations intéressantes pour le problème de l'explication de l'explication. La synthèse de ces observations a conduit à la formulation d'un programme pour une nouvelle discipline qui serait dédiée à la compréhension et à la description du processus explicatif.[..]
Etude sur la technologie de l'education, CAL, ITS, Hypermedia (français aproximatif, non-corrigé)
Observations sur la technologie éducationnelle, 1993. ** Notes de lecture, 1993-94. ** Étude de l'espace des problématiques, 1993-94 ** 1. Teaching versus learning. ** 2. Les situations de "recherche et extraction" de l'information. ** 3. Enseigner et ètre enseigné. ** 4. Les environnements métamorphosants. ** 5. Intelligence et intelligibilité. ** 6. L'entier et les parties. L'analyse et la synthèse ** 7. La chaîne ouverte et la boucle. La sincronisation ** 8. Les contextes de fonctionnement ** 9. La multidimesionalité du design des didacticiels ** 10. L'instrument d'assistance comme partie d'un système. La conception et l'utilisation des didacticiels - conclusions. ** Bibliographie.

access, action, activity, adapt, administration, advice, AI, age, agents, aggregation, allow, ambiguity, analogy, application, apprentice, ask, assistance, attention, author, authority, believe, bipolarity, brain,campus, CAL, CBT, change, chaos, client, cybernetics, coagulate, code, cognition, collaboration, collective, communication, community, compare, competence, complexity, computer, concept, conflict, context, continuity, contract, control, coordination, correct, cost, CSCW, CSCL, culture, curriculum,decision, declare, deduction, demand, demonstration, design, datamining, development, dialectical, dialogic, discourse, distribute, dynamic, dogma, domination, duality, ease, ecology, economy, education, effort, emancipate, emotion, empathy, energy, engineering, environment, epistemology, equilibrium, ergonomic, ethics, evaluation, evolution, example, experience, expertise, explanation, exploration, facilitation, false, floor control, force, function, fuzzy, game, generalization, genetic, global, goal, graphs, graphic, group, guide, HCI, help, hierarchic, holistic, human, hypertext, hypermedia, ideology, illuminist, illustrate, image, imagination, idea, individual, induction, ineffable, infinite, information, influence, initiation, inspire, instinct, instruction, instrument, intellect, integration, intention, intelligence, internet, interior, interface, interpretation, introduction, introspection, intuition, ITS, judgment, justice, knowledge, know-how, language, learning, lesson, life, link, low, legitimacy, logics, love, management, manipulation, master, matching, meaning, mechanism, memory, measure, metabolism, metadata, metamorphosis, metaphor, method, model, moral, motivation, multimedia, natural language, negation, negotiation, network, norm, name, object, observe, offer, ontology, open, opinion, opportunism, optimize, orchestrate, order, organic, organize, operate, origin, osmotic, pair, paradigm, parallel, participation, passion, passive, pathologic, pedagogy person, pertinence, phenomenon, physiology, plan, plurality, politics, policy, possible, postulate, practice, pragmatic, probabilities, procedure, process, produce, project, progress, propaganda, protocol, psychic, radical, report, rational, reaction, reality, receive, reciprocity, record, recursive, reduction, regress, relativity, relation, remember, remote, repository, representation, resource, retrieval, resonance, result, revolution, reward, rhetoric, rights, rule, scenario, school, science, sequencing, self, semantic, semiotics, sense, serial, server, service, show, sign, signification, site, separation, service, share, similarity, simulation, situate, social, solidarity, space, standard, strategy, structure, student, subject, submission, superficial, support, survival, symbiosis, synaptic, synthesis, system, target, task, theorem, teach, technology, theory, thesis, think, time, tool, trace, tradition, training, transform, truth, tutor, understand, user, utility, vague, variable, verification, virtual, wave, will, workflow