Rosca I. TELOS - an infrastructure for educative inter-operation through
the Internet
Keywords: TELOS, LORNET, GEFO, Learning and Knowledge Management Systems-
LKMS, web service oriented architecture, holistic management of production cascades,
concurent engineering
Abstract: The LORNET project seeks technical and semantic inter-operation
between educational service sources and resources repositories, accessible through
Internet. I have defined the TELOS' conceptual architecture so that it sustains
the modeling and the management of distributed instruction activities: from
the emergent ones (searching human and material support and chining operations
freely) to the orchestrated ones (through rigid or adaptable scenarios). The
proposed system is based on a "knowledge layer" used for referencing all the
components: persons, documents and activities. It trails the lifecycle of the
new resources, obtained by "aggregating" the existent ones and the lifecycles'
chaining- in production cascades. Apart the study of other pedagogical workflow
managers I have tried new physiological formulas for procedures' coordination,
using "functions"- managed with the GEFO prototype. These interesting utilities
(progressive adaptation, semantic matching etc.) can also be used in the modeling,
demonstration, management and evolving engineering of the TELOS system.
Rosca I. Managing the global knowledge metabolism of an evolving community
Keywords: TELOS, GEFO, Knowledge management, Competence management, Document
indexation management, Activities indexation and management, Instructional systems,
Global knowledge metabolism, Holistic and transdisciplinary approaches
Abstract: The experience as systems engineer- led me to a holistic vision
about knowledge management. Knowledge is "incarnated" in people- evolving in
the context of their cognitive system, explained in resources, implied in activities
producing competence changes. Between the management of knowledge reference
systems- used for indexing persons, documents and actions- and the management
of the processes in which this knowledge is used and modified- a profound and
cybernetic interaction operates. I carefully considered it in conceiving the
architecture of TELOS (see the KSR communication). By means of the "metafunction"
mechanism, prototyped in the GEFO system (see the BPOKI communication) we can
model the global metabolism of the community's evolving knowledge. Using system
meta-ontologies and the facilities to observe and support the "semantic equilibrium"
offered by (meta)functions- we obtain a powerful tool for the global management
of knowledge based systems' physiology
Rosca I. Shared research about knowledge sharing - the LORNET case
Keywords: Knowledge sharing and management, Web-based services, Learning
resources, Aggregation life cycle, Production cascades, LORNET, TELOS, Cooperative
Abstract: The LORNET project coordinates the efforts of a Canadian academic
consortium, seeking to facilitate the inter-operation between various educational
service providers and resource repositories- accessible through Internet. The
TELOS system put the accent on the lifecycle management of any new resource
resulted from the "aggregation" of existing ones and on the chaining of these
lifecycles in "production cascades". Educational activities (from the emergent
ones - based on resource searching and free operation chaining - to the orchestrated
ones- through "functional scenarios") envision knowledge sharing and imply sharing
the objects used for knowledge learning and communication. To facilitate this
metabolism I have based the system's architecture on "a knowledge layer", used
for referencing all the components: persons, documents and activities. But the
coordination of LORNET research activities poses similar problems to those it
try to solve. Therefore, its organization would benefit from the use ... of
the instruments that it produces.
Rosca I. Procedures modeling, adaptation, orchestration and reproduction
with "functions"
Keywords: Process modeling, Workflow orchestration, Knowledge management,
Procedures reproduction, Model life cycle, Functions and metafunctions, GEFO,
Evolutionary engineering
Abstract: The procedures that have to be executed or learned can be represented
in passive models (useable for information only) or active ones (used in orchestration).
On the other hand, knowledge learning and management processes can themselves
be modeled. After a long study on the issue of modeling, learning, orchestrating,
managing, adapting and reproducing knowledge based procedures, I tried to synthesis
my perplexity in my PhD thesis. I have continued the research in the context
of LICEF projects, experimenting the "functions" formula (term borrowed from
biology to point out an organic and evolutionary approach)- with the help of
the GEFO prototype. The investigation of the physiology of the global system
formed by a procedure and its model, led me to manage the model's "lifecycle"
with the help of "metafunctions". I expose here succinctly the functions' usage
contexts, their structure and physiology, signaling the Knowledge Management
Rosca I. The explanatory interaction - history of a research
Keywords: CSCW, CSCL, learning by co-doing, shared applications and architectures,
triple controlled action, coordination with active functions, matching for actors'
Abstract: The link between doing and knowing determines the blend between
information, help and instruction. The education's instrumentation involves
communication, cooperation, sharing and coordination tools. An optimal use of
CSCW methods and instruments in instructional systems requires the understanding
(modeling) of the explicative interaction. The co-action needs (remote) application
sharing facilities and leads to expert-novice-computer triangulations- according
to various and flexible "interaction modes" (for a "metamorphic" assistance).
The bi-human character of explicative processes limits the simulation (automation)
possibilities. To support resource and sense sharing, the computer network can
provide "competence matching" services - based on semantic indexation. The procedures'
models can be used as instruments for their coordination. I have explored orchestration
mechanisms - based on knowledge and supporting its evolution - introducing "functions".
I founded systems' physiology on these mechanisms, using them for managing the
pedagogical resources "lifecycles" and the "system production cascades".
Rosca I. MODEL BASED Engeniering OF PRODUCTION CASCADES- A system phylogenetic
Keywords: dynamic system approach in software engineering, procedure
orchestration with functions and metafunctions, evolving use cases, ontogenetic
life cycles, phylogentic production cascades, metamodelling
Abstract: Experience has led me to a holistic vision on the system-in-processes
involving (aggregating) persons, objects, activities and knowledge. That is
why I've met with interest and attempted to extend the new orientations in software
engineering, when I've elaborated conceptual architectures for systems facilitating
the distributed instruction through the Internet. I have grounded the methodology
for (re)producing procedures instrumented with computers on the idea of using
their models as orchestration instruments- introducing "functions", explored
with the GEFO prototype. The "use cases" - have hence become an assistance tool
for the utilization of the constructed systems, evolving along with them, both
as their model and as one of their parts. The model-reality circular relationship
also has show up in the evolution of the TELOS system designed in the LORNET
project, justifying a software engineering approach based on metafunctions.
Observing the recursive situation, I have investigated the transition from the
separate management of "ontogenetical" production chains to the unitary management
of "phylogenetical" production cascades
Rosca I. Pragmatic "layer" or knowledge physiology?
Keywords: semantic web, pragmatic web, Wittgenstein on ambiguity, contextuality
and inseparability, cybernetics of the reality-model loop, modelling global
knowledge phisiology
Abstract: As Wittgenstein pointed out, the lived concepts articulate
their meaning (reduce their ambiguity) at the moment (in the context) of their
use. Learning and application of knowledge in actions- are interlaced processes,
"sculpting" progressively a cognitive destiny, which, in interrelation with
other individual adventures- determinates a socio-cognition history. The dynamics
of knowledge use is consubstantial with its evolution. The "pragmatic Web" promoters
with "4d" visions should scrutinize the global physiology of systems (processes)
including persons, objects and activities- that involve knowledge. They meet
the opposite tendency manifested in the processes management research: to base
"workflow" assistance services on "knowledge structures"- used as reference
systems. At the junction between these orientations (in the GEFO and LORNET
projects) I have introduced "functions": models of activities, usable in their
coordination, based on evolving competences. Observing and managing (with "metafunctions")
the physiology of the relationship between a "function" and the physical - cognitive
phenomenon modeled/influenced by it - I felt that these "active use cases" belong
to the intermediary layer (between the reality and its image in the conceptual
mirror) - seek by the "pragmatic Web" research. Finally, the model that I propose
replaces the "layered vision" with one based on "interpenetrated reality levels".
Rosca I. A "4d" vision about knowledge physiology
paper -pdf(266kb)
Keywords: 4d vision, knowledge system evolution, complexity, ambiguity,
contextuality, inseparability, active models, reality-image loop, global knowledge
phisiology, semantic web
Abstract: As Wittgenstein pointed out, the lived concepts articulate
their meaning (reduce their ambiguity) at the moment (in the context) of their
use. Learning and application of knowledge in actions- are interlaced processes,
"sculpting" progressively a cognitive destiny, which, in interrelation with
other individual adventures- determinates a socio-cognition history. The dynamics
of knowledge use is consubstantial with its evolution. The "pragmatic Web" promoters
with "4d" visions should scrutinize the global physiology of systems (processes)
including persons, objects and activities- that involve knowledge. In the GEFO
and LORNET projects, I have introduced "functions": models of activities, usable
in their coordination, based on evolving competences. These "active use cases"
belong to an intermediary layer between the reality and its image in the conceptual
mirror. Finally, the model that I propose replaces the "layered vision" with
one based on "interpenetrated reality levels"
Rosca I. Cognitive communities using semantic matching: knowledge propagation
and human transformation
Keywords: distributed cognition, collective brain, responsibility and
awareness, cognitive evolution policy, explanation propagation, semantic matching,
knowledge reproduction, active models,
Abstract: Individual minds also form a collective brain. Its physiology
and evolution are based on knowledge wave propagation- using explicative consonances
lived by human pairs. The communicational network has a synaptic character.
Optimising knowledge streams requires the modelling of the cognitive space to
assist, in a "mirror"- usable for sustaining matching, distribution and retrieval
mechanisms. A cybernetic loop is closed when the "semantic mirror" is used in
the orchestration of the intellective process it models, forming an evolving
whole with it. A society equipped this way has a different physiology and evolves
towards different individual and collective human conditions. Once aware of
this- we are overwhelmed by responsibilities. What can we do so that the "semantic
web" drive us away from, not towards the world imagined by Orwell in "1984"?
The meta-modelling of the "cognitive reality - semantic mirror" physiology offers
instruments for fighting the pathology of the community's cognitive metabolism
Rosca I. Adaptable models for procedure orchestration and competence matching
Keywords: procedure modelling and orchestration, function and metafunction,
competence indicators, conditions, services and agents; explicative matching;
progressive concretisation of man-machine teams, optimisation problems, GEFO
Abstract: While developing the GEFO prototype, I explored the fluid passage
from modelling process to orchestrating and reproducing them - proposing the
"function" formula. The services obtained by their use (information, declaration,
facilitation, coordination)- valorise the efforts made in the edition phase.
They can also sustain the matching of relevant elements, available at execution
time, based on the semantic indexation of potential participants and resources-
relative to knowledge reference systems. The definition of "postures" allows
for the formulation of "competence conditions" around activities- seen as competence
operators. Using metafunctions we can globally manage the procedure-model loop
and the "lifecycle" of functions. The selection services- used by the authors
of the orchestrating scenarios- during the gradual concretisation of the elements-use
"competence equations". But each concretisation of an entity or action… modifies
the downstream equations. The distributed agents following the equilibrium must
(cooperatively) solve a chain of optimisation problems, in continuous redefinition.
Rosca I. Expansion of evolving distributing systems by recursive aggregation
and production cascades
Keywords: expansive distributed systems, recursive aggregation, microkernel
architectures, phylogenetic production cascades, LORNET, TELOS
Abstract: I will expose some ideas from the conceptual architecture of
the distributed system "TELOS", describing the concerns that led to them, along
the MOT- ADISA- EXPLORA- ION- GEFO- LORNET project chain… The struggle between
integrating applications and decomposing them in components- usable for recomposing
systems with variable geometry… The prototyping of a resource controller supporting
the aggregation by "fusion" of secondary resources (which wrap the primary ones)…
The introduction of "functional" aggregation, binding resources to operations,
tying processes modelling, orchestration and reproduction… The management of
system evolution- with "meta functions"… The shift from structural composition
to service concatenation, supported by a communication bus and "interface-agents"
controlled by a kernel… The treatment of semantic inter-operability, using "knowledge
domains"- as reference systems… To finally propose an evolving and plastic middleware,
combining structural extension (by distribution, recursive aggregation and phylogentic
production cascades) with segmentation- on administrative criteria
Rosca I. TELOS et la gestion des connaissances (version 3)
paper -pdf(589kb)
Mots cles: distributed cognition, augmented social networks, knowledge
management systems, competence conditions, evolution and equilibrum, semantic
workflow mangement semantic indexation, computer supported explicative cooperation
Résumé: Cette trosième version de mon essai aurait du être englobée comme
chapitre dans "Environnements informatisés et ressources numériques pour l'apprentissage"
Monique Baron , Dominique Guin , Luc Trouche (ed.) Hermes- Lavoisier Mais finalement,
pour des raisons penibles, mon chapitre n'a plus été publié.
Rosca I. Indexation sémantique et propagation du savoir (version 2)
Résumé: J'ai dédié des longs efforts à comprendre et à modéliser le système
(processus) de l'éducation distribuée, en me heurtant aux difficultés exposées
dans ma thèse de doctorat. À part la description du phénomène, j'ai abordé son
ingénierie, concevant des systèmes de support (TaxiNet, TELOS etc.) pour les
acteurs impliqués dans la chaîne éducative- qui combinent l'assistance sémantique
et instrumentale. Essayant de faciliter la propagation des "ondes de savoir",
j'ai utilisé la "couche de connaissances" pour référencer toutes les composantes
utilisées dans des "agrégations" (regroupements, intégrations, orchestrations):
personnes, documents, et activités. J'ai organisé cette "intégration sémantique"
- sur toute la gamme des stratégies de coopération - de l'utilisation libre
des "dépôts de ressources pédagogiques" jusqu'à la coordination des opérations
complexes par des "graphes de fonctions"- préétablies ou adaptables. J'ai prospecté
des utilités intéressantes (l'intermédiation de l'association, de la communication
et de la coopération pédagogique, automatismes de repérage et d'appareillement
etc.) mettant en valeur des "synapses" télé - informatiques. J'ai mis en évidence
des critères d'organisation des "repères sémantiques" (connaissances et compétences)
facilitant l'explicitation et l'assistance de l'apprentissage. J'ai investigué
ces problèmes en travaillant (avec Val Rosca) autour du prototype illustratif
GEFO-TELOS. Extrayant les idées principales des démonstrations faites avec cet
instrument, j'imagine ici un scénario futuriste, pour mettre en évidence la
physiologie visée par ma recherche, déroulée sur la base de principes (critères)
personnels- exposés laconiquement.
Rosca I Adaptability and cooperation on WWW: between quality of service and
quality of instruction
download paper-pdf(41kb)
Keywords: Adaptability, quality of service, instructional design
Abstract: Inforced by Java, the Web permits the use of an hpermedia interactif
document composed by an author and placed on a server. If the compatibility
and the quality of service are ensured we can speaak about real instructional
ubicuity.. But if it is not the case, the instructional application must contribute
to the system's effort of adaptation. This requirement complicates the task
of the instructional designer (the author of Web-coursware) and opens a new
area of research. The application should accomodate to the station of the client,
observe the fluctuations of the Quality of Service in presentational and instructional
terms , facilitate the negociation between the users, the station and the net,
and eventualy change the structure of presentation to make possible a new equilibrum
point. Authoring such metamorphical instructional multimedia is not easy. In
the case of the cooperatif learning, the instructor can facilitate the adaptation.
This is a strong argument for hybride (synchronous and asynchronous ) instructional
systems. To test this presumption and analyse more deeply the adapation mecansims,
an implementation of a versatile coursware based on distributed simulation is
in work . It will provide two instructional modalities :1. collaborative learning
between consellor and apprentice working on an hyper-document 2. Individual
learning on the same document, using sditionnaly adaptive futures to compensate
the absence of the instructor.
Rosca I. L'écologie de l'explication
Résumé: En août 1999, j'ai soutenu à l'Université de Montréal une thèse
de doctorat (
intitulée "Vers une vision systémique du processus de l'explication; récit d'une
recherche sur l'intégration de la pédagogie, de l'ingénierie et de la modélisation".
C'est le résultat de vingt ans d'observation , d'expérimentation et de recherche.
Mon intervention résumera le plaidoyer proposée dans la thèse, repris dans une
optique transdisciplinaire.
L'explication est un phénomène clé dans le métabolisme de l'individu et de l'humanité.
La reproduction spirituelle complète le travail de la sexualité. La modification
des rituels explicatifs a des effets profonds sur la condition humaine et peut
dérégler le macro- métabolisme cognitif. Peut-on contrôler le développement
technologique pour harmoniser la dynamique frénétique de l'univers extérieur
avec l'inertie de la conscience distribuée immergée en dedans?
Le besoin d'une écologie de l'explication est pressant. Des espèces traditionnels
d'explication sont en extinction tandis que des nouveaux rituels imposent des
mutations arbitraires. Des malversations (dégénérescences) sont opérées au nom
du "technologisme", du "productivisme", du "paradigmatisme" etc. L'art d'expliquer
est étouffée par une "reproductibilité" médiocrisante. L'explication de qualité
est mal reconnue, respectée et récompensée. La pathologie de l'explication n'est
pas encore écrite.
Une compréhension profonde de l'acte explicatif serait donc nécessaire: mandat
pour une science qui se dédie à l'explication de l'explication. Elle devrait
refaire l'unité d'un phénomène qui a projeté trop d'images disparates dans le
miroir d'une pléthore de disciplines. Elle devrait observer, comprendre et décrire
plutôt que de se presser à utiliser, modifier et inventer. Elle combinerait
les méthodologies utilisables pour représenter la complexité, sans l'éluder.
J'ai exploré quelques trames de cette éventuelle science: la dynamique et
l'histoire du processus explicatif; la sérialisation et la recomposition discursive,
la parallélisation graphique et le faisceau discursif; le dualisme cognitivisme-
béhaviorisme, l'explication en cercle vicieux, par introspection et par narration
L'essai de dresser une modélisation unitaire de l'explication s'est heurté
à des difficultés importantes. Il ne me reste qu'à les expliquer dans l'espoir
que la carte de ma perplexité pourrait aider ceux qui cherchent dans la même
direction. C'est une contribution à la question plutôt qu'à la réponse.
Mais il y a dans mon étude une vision coagulée : l'explication est un processus
de résonance bi- humaine, un "pas de deux"; la paire explicative lie le niveau
individuel et social de l'explication; la consonance explicative et le moteur
de la propagation des connaissances; elle a lieu même quand la communication
des deux pôles est asynchrone, unidirectionnelle ou immergée dans une relation
de groupe ; les pratiques qui dissolvent la cellule explicative au nom de "l'information",
qui atomisent les discours humains pour composer des "discours" artificiels,
qui évacuent l'aide d'un expert au nom de l'autonomie - mettent l'explication
en péril.
Que peut-on faire si l'étude unitaire de l'explication est alourdi par l'explosion
des disciplines, par la complexité du phénomène et par la frénésie économique?
La rencontre avec le mouvement transdisciplinaire, me détermine de relancer
le problème.