ANNEXE IV: Espace de réflexion bibliographique sur les problématiques


B1. Sujet : sens, structure, logique, didactique (problématiques 1,2,3)


Abu-Hanna, A.; Jansweijer, W.; Benjamins, R.; Functional models in perspective: their characteristics and integration in multiple model-based diagnosis, Applied Artificial Intelligence, 8, 219-237, 1994.

Archinstein, P., The nature of explanation, Oxford University Press, 1983,

Agar, M.; Nosbers, P., Argumentation theory and the distance to the data, Semiotica, 93(3), 287-301,1993.

Astolfi, J. P., Trois paradigmes pour les recherches en didactique, Revue Francaise de Pedagogie, 103, 5-18, 1993.

Baron, J., Why teach thinking?-An essay, Applied Psychology: An International Review, 42(3), 191-237, 1993. 

Bereiter, C., Implications of postmodernism for science, or science as progressive discourse, Communication & Stategies, 29(1), 3-12, 1994.

Bisantz, A.; Vicente, K, Making the absraction hierarchy concrete, Int. J. Human-Computer Studies, 40, 83-117, 1994.

Borasi, R.; Siegel, M.; Fonzi, J.; Smith, C.,  Using transactional reading strategies to support sense-making and discussion in mathematics classrooms – an exploratory study,   Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 29(3), 275-305, 1998.

Borchardt, G. C., Understanding causal descriptions of physical systems in Proceedings, tenth national conference AAAI, AAAI Press, 2-8, 1992.

Cardinale, L., Facilitating science learning by embedded explication, Instructional Science, 21, 501-512, 1993.

Caverni, J. P.; George, C.; Politzer, G., Raisonnements: conjoncture et prospectives, Psychologie Francaise, 39( 2),107-113, 1994.

Chandrasekaran, B.; Narayanan, N. H.; Iwasaki, Y., Reasoning with diagrammatic representations in 1993 AAAI, 8,  49-56, 1993.

Chierchia, G., Intensionality and Context Change, Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 3, 141-168, 1994.

Chouraqui, E.; Inghilterra, C., Resolution par analogie de problemes geometriques dans une perspective tutorielle, ITS 1992, Frasson (ed.), 234-243, 1993.

Coleman, E. B., Using explanatory knowledge during collaborative problem solving in science, Journal of the Learning Sciences, 7(3-4), 387-427, 1998.

David-Hillel R ed., Explaining explanation, Routledge, London, 1990.

David-Hillel R ed., Explanation, Oxford University Press, 1993.

Davis, P. M.; Davidson, G. V., Language is like the human body: teaching concepts through analogy, Educational Technology, May-June, 27-31, 1994. 

Deely, J., Reading the signs: some basics of semiotics, Semiotica, 97 (3), 247-266, 1993. 

Degrave, W.; Boshuizen, H.; Schmidt, H., Problem based learning – cognitive and  metacognitive processes during problem analysis,  Instructional Science, 24(5), 321-341, 1996.

DiSessa, A. A., Toward an epistemology of physics, Cognition And Instruction, 10(2), 105-225, 1993.

Droste, F. G.; Fought, J., Arbitrariness, iconicity, and conceptuality, Semiotica, 94(3), 185-199, 1993.

Eco U., A theory of semiotics,Indiana University Press,Bloomington,1979

Fabre, M., De la résolution de problème à la problèmatisation, Les Sciences de l'éducation, 4(5), 71-99, 1993.

Ghiglione, R., La restitution des messages: le message, le recepteur et le media, Psychologie Française, 38 (2), 177-191, 1993.

Greer B., Modelling  reality in mathematics classrooms – the case of word problems, Learning & Instruction, 7(4), 293-307, 1997.

Gosselin, M., Causality, a historical sketch of the major philosophical approaches to the problem, Communication & Cognition, 26(1), 131-170, 1993.

Gutwin, C.; McCalla, G., The use of pedagogic misrepresentation in tutorial dialogue in ITS 1992, 507-513, 1992.  

Hand, M., Demonstrative reference and unintended demonstrata, Communication & Cognition, 261, 37-45, 1993.

Hativa, N.,  Lack of clarity in university teaching – a case study,  Higher Education, 36(3), 353-381, 1998.

Hartman H. J., Metacognition in teaching and learning – an introduction, Instructional Science, 26(1-2),1-3,1998.

Hobbs, J. R.; Stickel, M. E.; Appelt, D. E., Interpretation as abduction, Artificial Intelligence, 63, 69-142, 1993.

Johnson, K.; Roloff, M., Serial arguing and relational quality – determinants and consequences of perceived resolvability,  Communication Research, 25(3), 327-343, 1998.

Kieran, C., Theory of didactical situations in mathematics – Balacheff, N;Cooper, M;Sutherland, R;Warfield, V.,  Journal for Research in Mathematics Education,  29(5), 595-601, 1998.

Korner S. ed., Explanation, Cameelot Press Ltd, Southampton, 1975.

Lawson, A. E., The importance of analogy: a prelude to special issue, Journal Of Research In Science Teaching, 30(10), 1213-1214, 1993.

Levialdi, S., Cognition, models & metaphors in 1990 IEEE, 69-77, 1990.

Linchevski, L. ;Kutscher, B., Tell my with whom you're learning, and I will tell you how much you have learned – mixed ability versus same ability grouping in mathematics, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 29(5), 533-554, 1998.

Liu, Z. Y.; Farley, A. M., Structural aggregation in common-sense reasoning in AAAI 1991, 868-873, 1991.

Lussato, B., La théorie de l'empreinte, ESF, editeur, Paris 1991.

Markham, K. M.; Mintzes, J. J.; Jones, M. G., The concept map as a research and evaluation tool: further evidence of validity, Journal Of Research In Science Teaching, 31(1), 91-101 1994.

Marton, F., Our experience of the physical world, Cognition And Instruction, 10(2), 227-237, 1993.

McGuinness, C., Teaching thinking: new sign for theories of cognition, Educational Psychology, 13(3), 305-313, 1993.

Maqsud, M., Effects of metacognitive instruction on mathematics achievement ant attitude towards mathematics of low mathematics achievers,   Educational Research, 40(2), 237-243, 1998.

McKoon, G.; Ward, G.; Ratcliff, R., Morphosyntactic and pragmatic factors affecting the accessibility of discourse entities, Journal Of Memory And Language, 32, 56-75, 1993.

Morin A. et Potvin G.,(directeurs) Pratique éducative et recherche; voies d’intégration.  Essais en éducation., Repères, 16, Faculté des sciences de l’éducation, Université de Montréal, 1994.

Tou Ng, H.; Mooney, R. J., On the role of coherence in abductive explanation in AAAI 1992, 337-342, 1992. 

Nisbet, J., The thinking curriculum, Educational Psychology, 13(3), 281-290, 1993.

Odobleja, S., Introducere in logica rezonantei, Bucuresti 1984.

Ohlsson, S., Abstracts schemas, Educational Psychologist, 28(1), 51-66, 1993.

Olson, D. R., How writing represents speech, Language & Communication, 13 (1), 1-17, 1993.

Orange, C., Repères épistémologiques pour une didactique du probleme, Les Sciences de l'éducation, 4-5, 33-99, 1993.

Piaget J, The essential piaget, Basic Books Inc, NY, 1977

Reeves, L. M.; Weisberg, R. W., On the concrete nature of human thinking: content and context in analogical transfer, Educational Psychology, 13(3), 245-257, 1993. 

Ricco, R. B., Revising the logic of operations as a relevance logic: from hypothesis testing to explanation, Human Development, 36, 125-146, 1993.

Richard, J. F., La resolution de problèmes: bilan et perspectives, Psychologie Française, 39(2), 161-175, 1994.

Roberts, M. J.; Erdos, G., Strategy selection and metacognition, Educational Psychology, 13(3), 259-266, 1993.

Roth, W. M., Comments and criticism, Journal Of Research In Science Teaching, 30 (7), 799-803, 1993.

Seidenberg, M. S., Language and connectionism: the developing interface, Cognition, 50, 385-401, 1994.

Shimony, S. E., Explanation, irrelevance and statistical independence in AAAI 1991, 482-487, 1991. 

Sillince, J. A.., The intention-inference problem in argumentation understanding, Communication & Cognition,  26(3), 321-338, 1993. 

Silver, C., Meanings are only in the head, Communication & Cognition, 26 (3), 339-346, 1993. 

Sizmur , S.; Osborne, J.,  Learning processes and collaborative concept mapping,  International Journal of Science Education.  19(10), 1117-1135, 1997.

Smith, E. L.; Blakeslee, T. D.; Anderson, C. W., Teaching strategies associated with conceptual change learning in science, Journal Of Research In Science Teaching, 30 (2), 111-126, 1993.

Storms, G.; Van Mechelen, I.; De Boeck, P., Structural analysis of the intension and extension of semantic concepts, European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 6(1), 43-75, 1994. 

Tabossi, P.; Zardon, F., Processing ambiguous words in context, Journal Of Memory And Language, 32, 359-372, 1993.

Vergnaud, G., Le raisonnement en physique et en mathématiques, Psychologie Française, 39 (2), 153-160, 1994. 

Von Wright, G. H., Explanation and Understanding, Cornell University Press, 1971.

Vonminden, A.;. Walls, R..; Nardi, A., Charting the links between mathematics content and pedagogy concepts – cartographies of cognition,   Journal of Experimental Education.  66(4), 339-358, 1998.

Vila, L., A survey on temporal reasoning in artificial intelligenge, AICOM, 7 (1), 4-27, 1994.

Watt, W. C., Signification and its discontents, Semiotica, 97 (3), 427-437, 1993.

Wong, E. D., Understanding the generative capacity of analogies as a tool for explanation, Journal Of Research In Science Teaching, 30 (10),1259-1272 1993.


b2  Cognition: mémoire, apprentissage, raisonnement, perception, savoir  (problématiques. 4, 8)


Aizawa, K., Lloyd's dialectical theory of representation, Mind & Language, 9(1), 1-24, 1994. Anderson, O., A Neurocognitive perspective on current learning theory and science instructional strategies,    Science & Education, 81(1), 67-89, 1997.

Ayres J.; Wilcox AK.; Ayres DM., Receiver apprehension - an explanatory model and accompanying research, Communication Education, , 44(3), 223-235, 1995.

Baddeley, A., La memoire humaine, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, 1993.

Berg, C. A.; Phillips, D. G., An investigation of the relationship between logical thinking structures and the ability to construct  and interpret line graphs, Journal Of Research In Science Teaching, 31( 4), 323-343, 1994. 

Bertamini, M., Memory of position and dynamic representations, Memory & Cognition, 21(4), 449-457, 1993. 

Blasko, D. G.; Connine, C. M., Effects of familiarity and aptness on metaphor processing, Journal of Experimental Psychology, 19 ( 2), 295-306, 1993.

Block, N., Holism, hyper-analyticity and hyper-compositionality, Mind & Language, 8(1), 1-25, 1993.

Bloom, P., Generativity within language and other cognitive domains, Cognition, 51,177-189, 1994.

Bogdan, R. J., The architectural nonchalance of commonsense psychology, Mind & Language, 8(2), 189-205, 1993. 

Bonatti, L., Why should we abandon the mental logic hypothesis?, Cognition, 50, 17-39, 1994.

Bostrom, R., Memory, cognitive processing, and the process of listening- reply, Human Communication Research. 23(2), 298-305, 1996.

Boynton, D. M., Relativism in Gibson's theory of picture perception, The Journal of Mind and Behavior, 14(1), 51-70, 1993. 

Brandimonte, M. A.; Hitch, G. J.., Influence of short-term memory codes on visual image processing: evidence from image transformation tasks, Journal of Experimental Psychology, 18(1), 157-165, 1992.

Butler, K., Towards a connectionist cognitive architecture, Mind & Language, 6 (3), 252-271, 1991.

Carlson, R. C.; Wenger, J. L.; Sullivan, M. A., Coordinating information from perception and working memory, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 19 (3), 531-548, 1993.

Clark, A., Microcognition, MITPress, London 1998. 

Clark, A.; Karmiloff-Smith, A., The cognizer's innards: a psychological and philosophical perspective on the development of thought, Mind & Language, 8 (4), 487-515, 1993.

Demetriou, A., In quest of the functional architecture of the developing mind: the aristotelian project, Educational Psychology Review, 5 (3), 275-292, 1993. 

Edwards, D., But what do children really think?: discourse analysis and conceptual content in children's talk, Cognition And Instruction, 11(3), 207-225, 1993. 

Fabricius, W. V.; Hodge, M. H.; Quinan, J. R., Processes of scene recognition memory in young children and adults, Cognitive Development, 8, 343-360,1993. 

Fodor, J.; Lepore, E., Why meaning (probably) isn't conceptual role, Mind & Language, 6(4), 328-343, 1991. 

Gegenfurtner, K. R.; Sperling, G., Information transfer in iconic memory experiments, Journal of Experimental Psychology, 19(4), 845-865, 1993. 

Gibson, J. J., The visual perception of objective motion and subjective movement, Psychological Review, 101(2), 318-327, 1994. 

Gordon, R. M., The simulation theory: objections and misconceptions, Mind & Language,  7(1), 11-34, 1992.

Green, R. A.; Shanks, D. R., On the existence of independent explicit and implicit learning systems: an examination of some evidence, Memory & Cognition, 21(3), 304-317, 1993.  

Greeno, J. G., Gibson's Affordances, Psychological Review, 101(2), 336-342, 1994.

Grimes, T., Audio-video correspondence and its role in attention and memory, ETR&D, 38(3), 15-25 , 

Hodges, J. R.; Patterson, K.; Tyler, L. K., Loss of semantic memory:implications for the modularity of mind, Cognitive Neuropsychology, 11(5), 505-542, 1994. 

Hunt, R. R.; McDaniel, M. A., The enigma of organization and distinctiveness, Journal Of Memory And Language, 32, 421-445, 1993. 

Jolly, J. B.; Kramer, T. A., The hierarchical arrangement of internalizing cognitions, Cognitive Therapy and Research, 18 (1), 1-13, 1994. 

Jones, S. S.; Smith, L. B., The place of perception in children's concepts, Cognitive Development, 8, 113-139, 1993.

Koehler, D. J., Explanation, imagination, and confidence in judgement, Psychological Bulletin, 110(3), 499-519, 1991.

Kounios, J., Process complexity in semantic memory, Journal of Experimental Psychology, 19 (2), 338-351, 1993.

Kounios, J.; Montgomery, E. C.; Smith, R. W., Semantic memory and the granularity of semantic relations: evidence from speed-accuracy decomposition, Memory & Cognition, 22 (6), 729-741, 1994. Lawson, D. I.; Lawson, A. E., Neural principles of memory and a neural theory of analogical insight, Journal Of Research In Science Teaching, 30 (10), 1327-1348, 1993. 

Le Ny, J. F., Science cognitive et comprehenssion du langage, Presses Universitaires de France 1989.

Lindsay, P. H.; Norman, D. A., Human information processing-an introduction to psychology, 2 ed., Academic Press, New York 1980.

Lucas, M. M., Semantic representation of meaning: a defense, Psychological Bulletin, 110(2), 254-263, 1991.

Mackay, D. G.; Wulf, G.; Yin, C.; Abrams, L., Relations between word perception and production: new theory and data on the verbal transformation effect, Journal Of Memory And Language, 32, 624-646 1993.

Margolis, E., A reassessment of the shift from the classical theory of concepts to prototype theory, Cognition, 51, 73-89, 1994.

Mayer RE., Cognitive, metacognitive, and motivational aspects of problem solving, Instructional Science, 26(1-2), 49-63, 1998.

Messick, S., The matter of style: manifestations of personality in cognition, learning, and teaching, Educational Psychologist, 29 (3), 121-136, 1994. 

Murphy, G. L.; Shapiro, A. M., Forgetting of verbatim information in discourse, Memory & Cognition, 22 (1), 85-94, 1994.

Natsoulas, T., An introduction to reflective seeing: part I, The Journal of Mind and Behavior, 14 (3), 235-255, 1993. 

Norman, D. A., Cognition in the head and  in the world: an introduction to the special issue on situated action, Cognitive Science, 17, 1-6, 1993.

Payne, S. J., Memory for mental models of spatial descriptions: an episodic-construction-trace hypothesis, Memory & Cognition, 21(5), 591-603, 1993. 

Perkins D.; Jay, E., New conceptions of thinking: from ontology to education, Educational Psychologist, 28 (1), 67-85, 1993. 

Radvansky, G. A.; Spieler, D. H.; Zacks, R. T., Mental model organization, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 19(1), 95-114, 1993. 

Rajaram, S., Remembering and knowing: two means of access to the personal past, Memory & Cognition, 21 (1), 89-102 ,1993. 

Remez, R. E.; Rubin, P. E.; Berns, S. M.; Pardo, J. S.; Lang, J. M., On the perceptual organization of speech, Psychological Review, 101 (1), 129-156 ,1994. 

Riding, R. J.; Glass, A.; Douglas, G., Individual differences in thinking: cognitive and neurophysiological perspectives, Educational Psychology, 13 (3), 267-280, 1993. 

Robertson, S. P., TSUNAMI: simultaneous understanding, answering,  and memory interaction for questions, Cognitive Science, 18, 51-85, 1994.

Salthouse, T. A., Speed mediation of adult age differences in cognition, Developmental Psychology, 29 ( 4), 722-737, 1993. 

Scott, D., Visual search in modern human-computer interfaces, Behaviour & information technology, 12 (3), 174-189, 1993. 

Seger, C. A., Implicit learning, Psychological Bulletin, 115 (2), 163-196,1994. 

Sein, M. K.; Olfman, L.; Bostrom, L. P.; Davis, S. A., Visualization ability as a predictor of user learning success, Int. J. Man-Machine Studies, 39, 599-620, 1993.

Stich, S.; Nichols, S., Folk psychology: simulation or tacit theory?, Mind & Language, 7 (1), 35-71, 1992.

Tarr, M. J.; Black, M. J., Dialogue. A computational and evolutionary perspective on role of representation in vision, The Psychological Record, 60 (1), 65-72, 1994. 

Todd, S.; Kramer, A., Attentional misguidance in visual, Perception & Psychophysics, 56(2), 198-210 1994.

Vera, A. H.; Simon, H. A., Situated action: a symbolic interpretation, Cognitive Science, 17, 7-48 1993,

Vignaux, G., Les sciences cognitives- une introduction, La decouverte,1992.

Walsh,V.;O'Mara, S.M.,A selection on attention:special issue on attention, Cognitive Neuropsychology, 11 (2), 97-98, 1994.          

b3  Processus cogntitifs ; comprehension du discours;  sérialité et parallélisme (problématiques 5,6,7)


Altmann, G., Parsing and interpretation: an introduction, Language And Cognitive Processes, 4 (3), 1-19, 1989.

Anderson, O. R.; Demetrius, O. J., A flow-map method of representing cognitive structure based on respondents' narrative using science content, Journal Of Research In Science Teaching, 30 (8), 953-969, 1993.

Anderson, R. A.; Helstrup, T., Visual discovery in mind and on paper, Memory & Cognition, 21 (3), 283-293, 1993.

Antes, J. Effects of capacity demands on picture viewing, Perception & Psychophysics, 54 (6), 808-813 1993.

Bachmann, T.; Prinz, W.; Stoffer, T. H., Even more space for visuospatial selective attention: introductory remarks, Psychological Research, 56, 1-4, 1993. 

Baddeley, A., The magical number seven: still magic after all these years?,Psychological Review, 101  (2),  353-356, 1994.

Boltz, M., Temporal accent structure and the remembering of filmed narratives, Journal of Experimental Psychology, 18 (1), 90-105, 1992.

Boyce, S. J.; Pollatsek, A., Identification of Objects in Scenes: the Role of Scene Background in Object Naming, Journal of Experimental Psychology, 18 (3), 531-543,1992.

Briand, K. A., Selective attention to global and local structure of objects: alternative measures of nontarget processing, Perception & Psychophysics, 55 (5), 562-574 ,1994. 

Cavazza, M., Semantic analysis and in-depth understanding of technical texts, Applied Artificial Intelligence, 8, 425-453, 1994. 

Cohen, M., Throwing, pitching and catching sound: audio windowing models and modes, Int. J. Man-Machine Studies, 39, 269-301, 1993.

Crowder, R. G., Short-term memory: where do we stand?, Memory & Cognition, 21 (2), 142-145, 1993.

Curran, T.; Keele, S. W., Attentional and nonattentional forms of sequence learning, Journal of Experimental Psychology, 19 (1), 189-202, 1993. 

Diehl, V. A., Simultaneous presentation of stories and visual displays which vary in coherence, Contemporary Educational Psychology, 18, 77-90, 1993. 

Dopkins, S.; Klin, C.; Myers, L., Accessibility of information about goals during the processing of narrative text, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 19 (1), 70-80, 1993.

Duncan, J., Similarity between concurrent visual discriminations: dimensions and objects, Perception & Psychophysics, 54 (4), 425-430, 1993. 

Eriksen, C. W.; Pan, K Attentional distribution in visual space, Psychological Research, 56, 5-13, 1993.

Freeman, T. C. A.; Harris, M. G.; Tyler, P. A., Human sensitivity to temporal proximity: the role of spatial and temporal speed gradients, Perception & Psychophysics, 55 ( 6), 689-699, 1994. 

Frensch, P. A.; Miner, C. S., Effects of presentation rate and individual differences in short-term memory capacity on an indirect measure of serial learning, Memory & Cognition, 22 (1), 95-110, 1994. 

Gallini, J. K.; Spires, H. A.; Terry, S.; Gleaton, J., The influence of macro and micro-level cognitive strategies training on text learning, Journal of Research and Development in Education, 26 (3), 164-177, 1993.

Gernsbacher MA., Two decades of structure building , Discourse Processes, 23(3), 265-304, 1997.

Golden, R. M.; Rumelhart, D. E., A parallel distributed processing model of story comprehension and recall, Discourse processes, 16, 203-237, 1993. 

Graesser, A., A theory of inference generation during text comprehension, Discourse processes, 16, 145-160,1993.

Green, G.; Stromer, R.;Relational learning in stimulus sequences, The Psychological Record, 43, 599-616, 1993. 

Heinze, H. J.; Luck, S. J.; Munte, T. F.; Gos, A.., Attention to adjacent and separate positions in space: an electrophysiological analysis, Perception & Psychophysics,. 56 (1), 42-52, 1994.

Humphreys, G. W., Attention to within-object and between-object spatial representations: multiple sites for visual selection, Cognitive Neuropsychology, 11 (2), 207-241, 1994.

Humpreys, G.; Price, C , Visual Feature Discrimination in Simultanagnosia: a Study of Two Cases, Cognitive Neuropsychology, 11 (4), 393-434, 1994. 

De Jong, R., Multiple Bottlenecks in Overlapping Task Performance, Journal of Experimental Psychology, 19 (5), 965-978,1993.

Kruley, P.; Sciama, S. C.; Glenberg, A. M., On-line processing of textual illustrations in the visuospatial sketchpad: evidence from dual-task studies, Memory & Cognition, 22 (3), 261-272, 1994.

Lapan, R.; Reynolds, R. E., The selective attention strategy as a time-dependent phenomenon, Contemporary Educational Psychology, 19, 379-398, 1994. 

Marks, L. E., Contextual processing of multidimensional and unidimensional auditory stimuli, Journal of Experimental Psychology, 19 (2), 227-248, 1993.

Marslen-Wilson, W ; Tyler, L., Integrative Processes in Utterance Resolution, Journal Of Memory And Language, 32, 647-666 ,1993.

McClelland, J. L.; John, M. S.; Taraban, R., Sentence comprehension: a parallel distributed processing approach, Language And Cognitive Processes, 4 (3), 287-335,1989. 

Miceli, G.; Capasso, R.; Caramazza, A., The interaction of lexical and sublexical processes  in reading, writing and repetition, Neuropsychologia, 32 (3), 317-333, 1994.

Miller, G. A., The magical number seven, plus or minus two: some limits on our capacity for processing information, Psychological Review, 101 (2), 343-352, 1994.

Mitchell, D. ; Corley, M. ., Effects of context in human sentence parsing: evidence against a discourse-based proposal mechanism, Journal of Experimental Psychology, 18 (1), 69-87, 1992.

Mordkoff, J..; Yantis, S., Dividing attention between color and shape: evidence of coactivation, Perception & Psychophysics, 53 (4), 357-366, 1993.

Kemler Nelson, D. G., Processing integral dimension: the whole view, Journal of Experimental Psychology, 19 (5), 1105-1113, 1993. 

Oakhill, J.; Garnham, A.,The on-line construction of discourse models, Language And Cognitive Processes, 4 (3), 263-286, 1989.

Ohtsuka, K.; Brewer, W. F., Discourse organization in the comprehension of temporal order in narrative texts, Discourse processes, 15, 317-336 1992. 

Ozyurek A., Evaluation during the understanding of anarratives, Discourse Processes, 23(3), 305-335, 1997.

 Perfetti CA., Sentences, individual differences and multiple texts – three issues in text comprehension, Discourse Processes, 23(3), 337-355, 1997.

Proctor, R. W.; Dutta, A.; Kelly, P. L.; Weeks, D. J., Cross-modal compatibility effects with visual-spatial and auditory-verbal stimulus and response sets, Perception & Psychophysics, 55 (1), 42-47, 1994.

Pylyshyn, Z., Some primitive mechanisms of spatial attention, Cognition, 50, 363-384, 1994. 

Reynolds, R. E.; Trathen, W.; Sawyer, M. L.; Shepard, C. R., Causal and apiphenomenal use of the selective attention strategy in prose comprehension, Contemporary Educational Psychology, 18, 258-278, 1993.

Rhodes, G.; Parkin, A. J.; Tremewan, T., Semantic priming and sensitivity in lexical decision, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 19, 154-165, 1993.

Sanders, T..; Spooren, W..Toward a taxonomy of coherence relations, Discourse processes, 15, 1-35 1992.

Sarkonak, R.; Hodgson, R., Seeing in depth: the practice of billingual writing, Visible Language, 27 (1) 1993.

Smith, E. S.; Swinney, D. A., The role of schemas in reading text: a real-time examination, Discourse processes, 15, 303-316, 1992.

Spiegel, G. F.; Barufaldi, J. P., The effects of a combination of text structure awareness and graphic postorganizers on recall and retention of science knowledge, Journal Of Research In Science Teaching, 31 (9), 913-932, 1994.

Stadler, M., Statistical structure and implicit serial learning, Journal of Experimental Psychology, 18 (2), 318-327, 1992.

Stromer, R.; Mackay, H. A., Human sequential behavior: relations among stimuli class formation, and derived sequences, The Psychological Record, 43, 107-131, 1993.

Suh, S.; Trabasso, T., Inferences during reading: converging evidence from discourse analysis, talk-aloud protocols, and recognition priming, Journal Of Memory And Language, 32, 279-300, 1993.

Sweller, J., Some cognitive processes and their consequences for the organisation and presentation of information, Australian Journal of Psychology, 45(1), 1-8, 1993.

Sweller, J.; Chandler, P., Why some material is difficult to learn, Cognition And Instruction, 12 (3), 185-233, 1994.

Teasdale, J. D.; Proctor, L.; Lloyd, C. A.; Baddeley, A. D., Working memory and stimulus-independent thought: effects of memory load and presentation, European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 5(4), 417-433, 1993.

Trabasso, T.; Suh, S., Understanding text: achieving explanatory coherence through on-line interfeces and mental operations in working memory, Discourse processes, 16, 3-34, 1993. 

Van Loocke, P. R., The dynamics of concepts - A connectionist model, Springer Verlag, 1993 .

Wilson, S.; Rinck, M.; McNamara, T. P.; Bower, G. H., Mental Models and Narrative Comprehension: Some Qualifications, Journal Of Memory And Language, 32, 141-154, 1993.

b4  Communication: résonance, synchronisation, intéraction et interface (problématiques 11,12)


Adrianson, L.; Hjelmquist, E., Communication and memory of texts in face-to-face and computer-mediated communication, Computers in Human Behavior, 9, 121-135, 1993. 

Agou, S.; Raskin, V.; Salvendy, G., Combining natural language with direct manipulation: the conceptual framework for a hybrid human-computer interface, Behaviour & information technology, 12 (1), 48-53, 1993. 

Beatie, G., Talk - An Analysis of Speech and Non-verbal Behaviour in Conversation, Open University Press.

Bernsen, N.; Dybkjaer, H.; Dybkjaer, L., Cooperativity in human-machine and human-human spoken dialogue,  Discourse Processes. 21(2), 213-236, 1996.

Berlin L, Jeffries R, Consultants and apprentices: observations about learning and collaborative problem solving, Proccedings of CSCW '92.

Blandford, A. E., An agent-theoretic approach to computer participation in dialogue, Int. J. Man-Machine Studies, 39, 965-998, 1993.

Bordegoni, M., An environment for the specification and recognition of dynamic gestures, Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 5, 205-225 ,1994. 

Borden, G. A., Human communication systems, 2 ed., American Press, Boston, Massachusetts.

Cawsey, A., Explanation and Interaction: The Computer Generation of explanatory dialogues, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, p232, 1992.

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b8  Conception de l'explication: phénomènes, tactiques et techniques (problématiques 10, 18)


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b10 Ingénierie: évaluation, optimisation, reproduction, planification, gestion (problématiques 24,25,26,27,28)


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